Introducing Blackwell Band!

Posted on the 25 July 2014 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

Blackwell Band

Just because you may not have heard of them, yet, Blackwell Band is nothing new.  The trio made up of, Carey Blackwell, Dan Blackwell and Braiden Turner have been honing their craft since 2010 by performing, producing, songwriting and recording.   Like me, Carey and Danny were raised in Northern Ontario (although they just a few hours further north in Cochrane) and Braiden is a true OttawaOntonian (is that even a word?).   All three were raised in musical families and have spent the majority of their lives writing, recording and performing.  

Their debut single, “Redneck Style”, was featured here earlier this month and tomorrow (July 25) will make its grand debut in the city that Blackwell Band now calls home, Ottawa.  At 12:40pm Country 101.1 will debut the song as it enters the station’s regular rotation (that means you’ll be hearing a lot, but still request it because requesting songs is the cool thing to do).

Blackwell Band – Braiden live on Canada Day in Barrhaven

We wanted to get a glimpse into their “Redneck Style” and subjected them to our 20 Questions so that you too could get to know Blackwell Band a bit better.

20 Questions with Blackwell Band

#1: Carey and Danny you both, like me, grew up in Northern Ontario (I was raised in New Liskeard).  Life in the north was, and is, much less complicated than it is here in southern Ontario.  Even in the larger communities it’s much more country like than down here.  Does any of that reflect in the music you bring to Blackwell?

Dan: I hope it does. You feel a belonging to your community when you are raised in a small town. We were raised about twenty minutes from Cochrane on the family farm which our parents still live on. There was lots of time to play music and sing cause we had no internet and three channels on TV.

#2: Every artist I’ve spoken to has a story about how / when they decided to purse music as a career.  We know that you started in music at a very early age, describe the moment that you knew that music was the path for you and what inspired you to take that path.

Carey: When I got my first drum kit

Braiden: I can remember being 4 years old, playing the same piano I have in my house today, and feeling complete freedom. That feeling of endless possibility, has been ongoing for as long as I can remember. My voice is my second instrument- piano being my first. I became best friends with Brea Lawrenson in my early teens and started singing as one of her backup vocalists when she was in the early stages of her career. The rush and freedom I felt on stage even just singing background vocals, definitely was a turning point in my wanting to move forward in my own career. Brea has always been an inspiration, friend, and support system for me along this journey that she is on too. I am so lucky to have her in my life not only as a best friend, but as a role model for how much hard work it takes to get where you want to be.

Dan: There is no real time when I knew I wanted to be in music as a career. I do not remember not wanting to be in the business. Music was such a big part of our lives growing up. I believe I was six or seven the first time I played solo(just me and my banjo) I wanted to play in front of people so bad but was scared to death at the same time. The place I played was a Church in Timmins Ontario. I walked up onto the stage right behind a big blackboard that was there and began to play. I couldn’t see anyone and I played two songs. The congregation was very kind and applauded. I was hooked. There is so much more that could be said on this.

#3: Although Blackwell has only been in existence for about 4 years now you’ve already worked with some of the biggest names in Canadian country music. Name any three artists, you haven’t already collaborated with, that you would like to work with?

Dan: It’s a list that could change every minute of the day! They would be very diverse 1:Vince Gill, 2: John Fogerty 3:Lady Antebellum.

Braiden: there are so many gifted country artists out there, but if I had to pick any three, it would definitely be The Band Perry, Hunter Hayes, and Miranda Lambert.

Carey: A really diverse group for me too: Brian Adams,Vince gill,Phillips legacy

#4: Armed with a red hot new single you are about to hit the festival circuit, including a gig opening for Bobby Wills, describe your live show, what can fans expect to see this summer?

Braiden: Fans can expect to see us giving 150% on stage, like we always do. Because they are our support, they mean the world to us. I love interacting with them, and being part of the party.

Dan:  I hope they see a band having fun, full of energy and we create a memory shared with friends. Did that make sense?

#5: Tell us about the defining moment in your careers, whether with Blackwell or before.  A moment when you knew that the choice to follow a musical path was a right choice.

Carey: when I moved down to Ottawa to play music with my brother Dan.

Dan: There are a few. But in grade 4 I had my own band. We played at the winter carnival in Cochrane and my dad said he was proud of me. - Best answer we’ve ever had to this question!!

Braiden: for me, when we opened for Terri Clark at the Shawville Fair in 2011, It was reaffirmed in my heart that I knew I was meant to do this. There were so many people- uncountable. And I had every reason to feel nervous, and anxious, and afraid that they wouldn’t like us because they didn’t know us– but for some reason I felt completely at ease and gave it my all and the cheers and screams from the crowd was all I needed to never second guess myself again.

#6: What’s your all-time favorite movie?

Braiden: My Fair Lady – fun fact: I performed in a high school production of My Fair Lady about 100 yrs ago

Dan: War Horse… and The Scent of a Woman…. Oh and Anchorman 1 and 2

Carey: Shine

#7: Your ideal brain food?

#8: Favourite Restaurant (anywhere in the world)?

Braiden: Hy’s steakhouse. Steak is a weakness

Carey: Chez Nous

Dan: Johns Diner in London Ontario. If you brought him a picture of your band when playing in London all week long you could eat there for a reduced rate and it was just like homemade. If it wasn’t on the menu you could ask for it and he would make it for you the next day.

#9: Favourite TV show (all-time)?

Dan and Carey: MASH!

Braiden: I can’t pick between the walking dead, or the Big Bang theory. Completely different ends of the spectrum haha.

#10: If you could see any artist in concert, who would you see (living or dead)?

Braiden: MICHAEL JACKSON. The king of pop. A legend. A true example of someone with remarkable talent, and so many obstacles he overcame, and inspired billions of people and musicians and artists to never give up.

Carey: I would say Pat Metheny

Dan: I was going to say Bob Ross then I realized you meant musician. Just joking. That would be….hummm let me see…….ah………. Ok The Eagles no wait…there are so many…..Ok the Eagles it is.  saw Don Felder at Bluesfest this year and he was amazing!

#11: iPhone, Android or Blackberry?


Dan: Android - fun fact: Carey and Dan are only the 3rd & 4th musicians we’ve interviewed that chose Android

Braiden: iPhone for LIFE

#12: Can you talk about a fan encounter that completely took you by surprise?

Braiden: A fan approached us after opening for Chad Brownlee last summer in Renfrew and said they couldn’t believe how amazing it was that I play with my husband on stage (referring to Dan) and no matter how many times we tried convincing them, they wouldn’t believe us. So, apparently I am married to Dan and we sing in a band together? Haha.

Carey: Anyone who comes up to us wanting an autograph!

Dan: No because of an injunction. Again just kidding. Every fan experience is special and memorable.

#13: What are your family member’s musical interests and abilities? 

Dan: My son Jordan is a great guitar player and writer. My daughter Genivieve is a great singer and writer. My spouse Venus loves to sing and she writes the most wonderful poetry.

Carey: Most of the people in our (Dan and mine) family have played music for a living.

Braiden: My father is the producer of this band, with our record company Eating Crow Records. He is a phenomenal guitar player and bandleader. My mother is a singer- has been her entire life. She sang for the Queen when she came to Ottawa many years ago, and was also nominated for a Juno award in the 70′s for a song called “You Can Do Magic”. She is now the secretary treasurer of the Ottawa musicians Union Local 180, and the manager for our band. My parents are the foundation of who I am, and I have watched musicians and been in this industry my whole life.

#14: Name a fictional character most like you?

#15: In “Blackwell, Story of Us” – The Movie, who would play you?

Dan: Martin Short

Carey: Jim Carey

Braiden: Sarah Jessica Parker

#16: Star Trek or Star Wars?

Dan: Star Trek for sure. What is this Star Wars you speak of?

Carey: Star Trek for sure.

Braiden. Neither. They both put me to sleep!!!

#17: Stress management: hitman, spa vacation or Prozac?

Braiden: I would hire a hit man, take some Prozac, and relax at the spa.  this one’s dangerous!!

Carey: …hitman…

Dan: Yes Please…. Oh just one..…???

#18: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Dan: I love what Jewel Kilcher A wonderful singer song writer once  said “In the end only kindness matters.”

Braiden:  “speak your mind”- Mum.

#19: Charity and music tend to go hand in hand these days with many artists embracing or even endorsing a specific charity.  Is there a charity that’s close to your hearts that you would like to raise extra awareness for?

Carey: Anything to do with Mental Illness is really important to me.

Dan: If there is a worthwhile charity that my music can help in some small way I am always more than happy to help out. I could never pick just one.

Braiden: Anything for CHEO hits home for me. We love kids and would do anything to help them. And we know that music is a healing mechanism for these kids who need a happy distraction.

#20: With Redneck Style heating up the airwaves what can we expect next from Blackwell?

Braiden: A lot more shows, and obviously, MORE music! We can’t wait to get out there and show our fans how much we appreciate their support. We are finishing up our cd to be released in the fall, and working on an upcoming music video in the next few months. Watch out! Here we come!

Be sure to tune in to Country 101.1 for the grand debut, if you aren’t in Ottawa don’t worry you can stream the station online or better yet request “Redneck Style” on your local country radio station!  Be sure to check them out online at