Introducing Ashlee Gadd Photography.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

Well friends, the time has come. This website has been a work in progress for months now, but it’s finally to a point where I felt comfortable sharing it. I’m still making minor tweaks here and there, and updating the portfolio, but for the most part, I think it’s a pretty decent representation of who I am as a photographer.

I’ve been very nervous to share this site and to “go public” if you will, because I know it seems like everyone and their mom is “becoming a photographer” these days. I never set out to become a photographer, and I still feel awkward calling myself one, but I’m trying to be confident and embrace the title as best I can. Transparency has always been my go-to aspiration, and having said that, here’s the truth: I have no formal background or training in photography. None. Zip. Nada. I’m completely self taught via books, web tutorials, and believe it or not, youtube videos. I don’t have the best camera, or the best lenses, and I’m scared to death of using flash equipment. There is a still a LOT I need to learn, and I will always consider this a talent in progress. This past year, my passion and love for photography has grown out of the hobby phase and into the part-time work phase. By that I mean, it has grown out of taking pictures of inanimate objects and my ever reluctant husband, into taking pictures of strangers who want to work with me. I have been so blessed by this change, and am confident that as I transition into mommyhood, the balance, creativity, and small financial contributions from my photography will greatly benefit not only myself, but my family as well.

I want to thank you dear blog readers for supporting me along the way, and giving me the much needed confidence to take this step. Without this blog as an outlet to share my photo shoots, none of this would have happened. Click here to visit my photography site, and click here to like AGP on Facebook. I’ll be updating both with new photos soon!