Intrepid-Revelations Previews

Posted on the 21 February 2012 by Polycarp55 @polycarp55

Then in 2009, a box of photos from November 1963 was found under a bridge in Fort Worth, Texas. One of the photos appeared to show an image of a saucer, in roughly our current position, but I believe the image was an irregularity on the negative.Steve Stone. Intrepid - Revelations (Kindle Locations 2452-2453). Steve Stone.

I was asked to review Intrepid-Revelations, published by Smash Words,  and have not had the time to review it.   As I know they want some press on this book I will occasionally drop a line on this book from this blog.  As a sort of preview for my review.   I hope to find the time needed to finish this book soon and let you know what I think.