Into The New Year

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

My mother has never been a drunk or anything of the such she would drink some beer here and there and some champagne on occasion. I have fond cute memories of “once in a blue moon” when I was a little girl how my mother would pour me a petite glass of Lancer’s white wine that came in a medium size green bottle and we’d sit across the table from one another drinking out of the little fancy wine glasses chatting lovingly and talking about things going on in life.

My mother altogether cut out drinking she has not had any alcohol at all for a very long time now, over a little more than a decade in fact, and not even on occasion. However, this New Year she decided to buy a bottle of Moet a month ahead of time to open at midnight after the eve and as she did we sat and talked.

I’ve never been a drinker of any type of alcoholic beverage not even on particular events or instances so I didn’t share in this special one time occasion with her, I had already ate me a good meal and we had our specific delicious foods prepared also for the next day so all was nice and good.

My mother expressed to me how much she loved me last night and we discussed a lot of things just like we usually have and usually did but there was something important about last night. We even went over how our foes (the conspiring degenerates) tried to turn her against me in the past with their evil voodoo/black magic manipulation and vicious and obscene lie tactics.

She imparted how she would never “in reality” ever go against me for anyone.

We covered a lot of ground that is not necessary for me to reveal in detail through out this post but I’ve always said I’d be in jail if I had to continuously be around undesirables. I hated being within their company I hated being enveloped in a world occupied by them life just genuinely feels so “good” and “whole” when they are not anywhere around or to be found.

I’d be in jail for brutal and ruthless murder charges that is why I keep away from them because if they push me in the wrong direction I will not be responsible for any of my actions. My violence will indeed be justified. And I have always been and felt that way that is why as a little girl I use to constantly kick their asses when the moments called for it and I never lost a fight because I was in the right.

That fierce spiritual “energy” that harmoniously resides and burns inside of me cannot make any promises about inhibiting that automatic response.

Hey, in not so many words, we could have had certain family members “taken out” who had perpetuated much of this shit before it got out of hand decades ago if we wanted to, but most people cannot keep quiet about such things of that nature.  Specific kind of people my eventually talk or brag.

I on the other hand am not that way that is not the type of genes and “spirit” that I hold. I come from backbone where we will kill for one another and definitely keep quiet about it. It is even better now because I have my own “spiritual crew”, my blood related family on the other side and they do not risk capture and penalty they are judge, jury, and executioners and I love and respect them all dearly the females and the males. They see and know everything going on within and around me and have been and will continue on with taking care of business.

I do not make New Years resolutions I never did once I decide to do something in general I just do it with no turning back if I am truly serious about it.

If there are New Years wishes though I’d wish for every beginning, middle and end, all year around, for all of the trash to disappear completely from the face of the earth forever. If all of the garbage were permanently removed the world would truly be a much better place to live, arrange, and enjoy.

The trash “kill” me in which how some of them actually think that they are supposed to be regarded and treated with so much respect. Those are the delusional ones that create a false illusion of their own estimated status or self worth.

The garbage has never been something to me, they aren’t shit, they weren’t born to be anything, and they never will become relevant within my domain and universe. They’ll never get any sincere respect or regard from me at all (my common courtesy should not be taken as a gesture of any esteem toward them) and respect or regard from them unto me absolutely would not hold any significance upon me.

I remember within the past when trash would surrender then try to “kiss my ass” I still did not want to even patronize them, I never liked the way that they looked, talked, behaved and thought.

When they endeavor to walk all over or to get over on one who is more superior to them (intellectual and/or character-wise) and then that person stands up for them self with logic and plausibility that is called and deemed as being disrespectful inside their twisted minds and eyes. I never gave any merit or put in any listening to their own state of “confusion” I refused to feed into that bull-crap.