Interview with Wayne Basta

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

I had the pleasure of meeting author Wayne Basta awhile back for a book signing at Half Price Books Humble.  He has a three part series published under Grey Gecko Press here in the Houston area.  This week, I finally had the pleasure of interviewing him.

1. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading your series. Can you tell us about it?

Aristeia is a science fiction space opera that follows the characters of Maarkean, Saracasi and Zeric as they accidently set off a rebellion against the powerful Alliance.

2. What moved you to start writing science fiction?

I’ve always been a fan of the genre. My father got me into Star Trek and Star Wars at a young age and then followed it up with classic science fiction books like Asimov and Clarke.

3. An interviewer (Sam Weller, of the Paris Review) asked Ray Bradbury if writing science fiction satisfied something that mainstream fiction did not. I’d like to ask you that same question. Do you find that science fiction satisfies something that mainstream fiction cannot – both in yourself as well as in society?

I don’t believe science fiction isn’t mainstream fiction. Look at the biggest blockbuster movies and books and you’ll find lots examples of science fiction. Science fiction certainly satisfies something other genre’s do not, but so does every different genre.

4. When did you start writing? Have you always wanted to write?

The first things I wrote were when I was 9 and we got our first home computer. I dabbled in writing ever sense then though I didn’t make a serious effort to write a complete novel length story until just a few years ago.

5. When you write, do you have a specific place or environment you like to go? Do you play music (and if so, what music?) or do you prefer the quiet?

I usually write from my laptop at the kitchen table. The chairs are less comfortable than my desk chair so its easier to stay focused. The laptop also can’t run most of my games so that clearly defines this computer a work place and the desktop for play.

I write in silence a lot but depending on the scene I’m working on I might put on music. I’ll often try and match the music to what’s happening in the book. During a heavy battle scene I might play some epic sound tracks from movie battles or if its more subdued a lighter piece.

6. What is the easiest part of the writing process for you? What is the hardest?

The easiest part is the writing itself. Figuring out what I’m going to write, finding the time when there’s no toddler demanding attention, marketing the books, editing the grammar and everything else is hard. But when I know what is going to happen to my characters, the words just flow out with ease.

7. Who designed your book covers?

I worked with an artist named Oliver Wetter to design the cover. I told him what I had in mind and described the looks of my characters. He then brought them to life. He did an amazing job with each of them.

8. You were recently at a Comicpalooza. What were you doing there? What was that experience like?

I sat on a number of writing panels at Comicpalooza. It’s always great to get to sit down and talk about writing and books with fellow authors and fans of the genre.

9. Do you have any tips or advice on getting published for aspiring authors?

Never give up, never surrender. It’s a hard process to wade through and relies mostly on persistence and dedication to succeeding. Keep trying and keep improving your queries and your writing.

Like Wayne’s page on facebook.