This month, I'm excited to introduce you Dan Miller, a photographer and colored pencil artist based in Evergreen, Colorado. He enjoys spending time in the wilderness and works as a graphic artist for a printing company.
Cendrine Marrouat: Hello Dan, thank you for answering my questions. First, what inspired you to become a photographer?
Dan Miller: Being an artist, I first used photography as a way to produce reference material for my drawings. As my skills and experience concerning photography have developed, some of my photos have become finished works of art in their own right.
CM: What is your favorite subject to photograph?
DM: My favorite subject to photograph is the mountain landscape surrounding my home in Evergreen, Colorado.
CM: What makes a good photo?
DM: I believe the single most important element that makes a good photograph is the light. I don't think subject matter or location is as vital. If you can find interesting light, you'll create interesting photos.
CM: What is the photo you prefer in your portfolio? Why?
DM: I have so many favorites it would be difficult to pick just one. There is a common denominator that distinguishes photos that grab my attention and that's bad weather. I love the results you get from shooting during a storm.
Elk Meadow by Dan Miller
CM: Any photographer you admire?
DM: The photographer I admire most is Galen Rowell (1940 - 2002). He was considered an extraordinary photo-journalist and mountaineer. He practiced photography in some of the world's most exotic and spectacular wild places.
CM: What piece of advice would you give photographers who are starting with online promotion?
DM: My advice to photographers who are starting with online promotion is to make sure you generously share the work of others and not just your own. I believe it's important to support, encourage and inspire your fellow creatives.
CM: Anything else you would like to share?
DM: I'm an artist first, my photography is getting better and writing is a struggle. I like to blend all three genres while trying to document my impressions of the Colorado landscape and its wildlife. I have great love and respect for nature and how things mesh in the wild so hopefully my work expresses that.
For more information on Dan Miller, visit He is also on Instagram and Twitter. Interested in being featured in an upcoming post? Feel free to contact me.Posted in: Interviews. Tags: Dan Miller, nature photography.