Interview with Nine Year Old Britain’s Got Talent Magician Issy Simpson

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Issy Simpson was runner-up in Series 11 of Britain’s Got Talent and will be headlining the Blackpool Magician’s Convention on Friday, February 16th

What was your first trick?

When. I was just 6 years old. My grandfather taught me a trick using a rubber band

How long does it take for you to perfect a trick?

It can take months to perfect, but it’s really great fun!

What is your favorite type of trick?

I love reading people’s minds and also sleight of hand magic

How much do you have to remember for each trick?

There’s a lot to remember. The words and then also how to do the magic. The hardest part is to make it as rehearsed as possible

What do your school friends think of your ‘magic’

They love my magic and now some of them are even doing it!

Do you have to have confidence to perform magic?

Not really, but the more you practice, the more confident you become.

What was it like appearing on the television for the first time?

It was very nerve-wracking and I was quite panicky beforehand. Once I started and could see Simon was amazed, I loved every minute!

Which magician do you look up to the most?

David Copperfield from YouTube and of course my Grandpa

Where would you like to be in 10 years time?

I would love to do more magic and be an author, actress, and comedian.