Thank you to MTV’s teen mom Chloe Patton for this interview.
What is the best advice you could give to a teenager at school that has just found out they are pregnant?
I wasn’t in this position, but if I was or a friend was I would tell them to think super hard about it as your life will change forever, and if you’re not ready that’s ok! Or if you think you can do it keep your chin up, ignore the haters because you’re going to become a parent, so you need to grow up super-fast and be an adult. Also tell your parents you will need as much support as you can get.
Did you ever imagine that you would be on a reality television show or is it something you wanted?
I’ve always wanted to entertain as I’m a performing arts student so I imagined being on a show for acting or singing but never thought it would go this way, but hopefully it’s a platform which will open many doors for me.
What are the main pressures of being on television?
I guess having to feel like I need to look perfect 24/7. People have something bad to say if you don’t wear makeup, don’t have your hair immaculate or have a bowl in your sink not washed haha!! I’m not personally bothered as I’m still a new mom.
How do you think Marley will react when he is older?
Hopefully see it as a positive like me, as I wanted to do the show to help other mums in the same situation.
Do you think you will continue with your studies later in life? How important is education to you?
Yes, 100% I want to go back to college and carry on with my performing arts or midwifery but I’m only 18, so I have plenty of time to decide.
What 5 things do you think you should do every day when you are a mother of a newborn?
- Try sleep when baby sleeps, but I understand it’s hard to do so.
- Try get out as much as possible as you’ll think you’re going crazy speaking to a baby all day.
- Don’t worry what anyone else thinks.
- Don’t worry about getting changed every day you’re allowed a few more PJ days than normal you’re a new mom so be kind to yourself
- And lastly don’t feel bad letting family watch your baby for an hour or two you need me time even if it’s just to have a nice bubble bath and read a magazine.
Chloe and her baby Marley appear in Teen Mum UK on MTV (SKY 125 Virgin 134)