Interview with Lincoln

Posted on the 09 July 2014 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Nurse during the day, musician at night, indie Pop songstress Lincoln has just released her latest single Undone, taken from upcoming debut EP Visions of a Fading Light. Tomatrax caught up with Lincoln to ask a few questions.

What made you want to become a musician?

To be honest I don’t remember making an active decision to become a musician…. I just poured myself into my passion and my art because that’s what makes me the happiest and I have somehow ended up here!

When did you write your first song?

My first memory of writing music is when I was super young, I don’t think I was even a teenager yet…. I used to watch films on mute and compose my own music to the scenes on the piano.

You are a nurse during the day and a musician at night, is it hard to fit being a musician in with your job?

Nope! No matter how busy life is you always find time for the things that make you the most content don’t you?

Has any of your experiences as a nurse inspired your song writing?

Without a doubt. I’ve definitely seen some pretty awful things but also incredibly inspiring. Being an Emergency nurse gives you a ringside seat to all sorts of awfulness…… Ive got to witness humans at their worst, in their rawest, most vulnerable form. Its humbling. Ive certainly drawn on those experiences to write many times.

What made you pick Undone as the lead single for your EP?

It was a tough one! I have no idea, it just felt right.

How will the rest of the EP compare with Undone?

The rest of the EP is driven by more organic sounds and piano but is still dark and evocative like UNDONE

Where did the name Visions of a Fading light come from?

The second track to be released is called FADING LIGHT and that is my favorite on the EP and the one I am most connected with. I made a few scribbly notes of any ideas I had for the the production of FADING LIGHT and wrote in this big purple crayon across the top “VISIONS FOR FADING LIGHT” so I wouldn’t lose it….. and it evolved from there…..It seemed so perfect given the theme of the song.

When will the EP be released?

The 21st of July it will be out. But it can be pre-ordered off Itunes as of next week with instant download of FADING LIGHT when you purchase.

Have you ever thought of playing in a band or do you prefer to perform solo?
I have only ever performed solo but going forward on I am going to be joined by 2 other talented musicians for my live show, so am super excited about that.

Do you ever listen to your own music?
haha I would be lying if I said no. Absolutely I do…. but not in a relaxing, leisure kind of way… in a more ‘Im going to analyze and criticize the shit out of myself ‘

What other music do you listen to?

EVERYTHING and anything except death metal. Sorry death metal fans.

What do you plan on doing once the EP is out?

Im going to the snow to snowboard and drink heaps of schnapps….strait after…. and then writing loads and loads more music and doing it all over again.

 Check out Lincoln’s Facebook page to find out more!