Interview with Kenny from Soto Voce

Posted on the 04 August 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Little is known about Oakland duo Soto Voce, other than they have just released their debut single 'Better'. Tomatrax caught up with Kenny from the band to try find out a bit more!

I was introduced to Miguel by a close friend as a potential producer for a project I was working. In time the chemistry personally and musically between Miguel and myself overshadowed the other project I was working on. It was extremely organic.

Where did the name Soto Voce come from?

Its a combination of my name Kenny Soto and the Italian term Sotto Voce which means speaking in a soft voice or to lower ones voice in the presence of the boss or the mafia.. or so I was told. It was a named kinda given to me by a close friend as a joke because he would say my speaking voice is so soft.

You've just released your debut single, what's it like to have it out?
We are static! To be able to have such a positive response from so many people right out of the gate is Amazing!! We are eager to release the video and excited to see everyone's reaction. We worked very Hard.

Are there any plans to put out an EP or album?
Most definitely! first we are releasing the video for Better! Then Miguel and I are considering releasing a song entitled "Pop" as our 2nd single of the EP which is sonically and lyrically the Juxtaposition of "better." "Pop" is a fusion of 80's punk, 90's industrial dance production with Hyper sexually charged Ganster Rap style expletives

You've said that you have a lack of online presence by choice, why is that?
Honesty half of it is out of our need to be fully invested in the project musically and artistically ..The other half is just is avoiding the awkward moments of our first online socializing us both just being introverts in the online social world

You've been compared to Radiohead a fair bit, do you think that's a fair call?
Well we were a bit Surprised by the Radiohead comparison. Don't get me wrong, we love Radiohead! However, they weren't a band I can say we have consciously referenced. But, we take it as a huge compliment!!

When writing what comes first, the words or the music?
It depends on the session...honestly it comes both ways and other ways lol

Do you ever listen to your own music?
yes sadly yes...

What other music do you listen to?
As a band I think we tend to dwell in the 80s new wave, 90's industrial, dance and early hip hop...
However outside of the band I think pour musical interest are as varied as our personalities.

Now that the single is out what do you plan on doing next?

NEW music!! NEW Shows!! NEW Visuals !! and New blood Sacrifices in the name of domination!!!... Just simple stuff

Check out Soto Voce's website to find out more!