Interview with Gabriella Pastore

By Newguy

Interview with Gabriella Pastore

We were lucky enough to be able to talk to one of the stars of Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B & B Robbery, Gabriella Pastore. I want to send out a personal thank you for giving us the time to discuss the upcoming movie.

Without further ado, here is the interview:

As a fan of detective movies that have a lot of fun along the way, I enjoyed Hidden Orchard Mysteries, bringing back the memories of Scooby Doo, Psych and Jonathan Creek.

Q1) What drew you to want to star in Hidden Orchard Mysteries and how much of Gabby, do you see in yourself?

A1) I knew I wanted to star in Hidden Orchard Mysteries because I had worked with Ms. Joyce and Mr. Brian a couple of times prior and I absolutely loved working with them. When they presented the idea of HOM to me, I thought the story and the characters were amazing and I knew I wanted to be a part of this wonderful film. I really liked how diverse the cast is. My character is actually very similar to me. For starters, we have the same name. I can be a bit of a perfectionist, especially when my heart is set on something. Like Gabby, I’m also not a very impulsive person, I like to think through all the details and make my decisions from that.

Q2) You have excellent chemistry with Ja’ness. How natural did the friendship come between the two of you?

A2) Thank you! It actually came very naturally, which was really nice. They had us video chat before meeting each other in person, and we mostly talked about our interests and HOM. We seemed to click pretty quickly from when we first met. It felt like we’d been friends for years.

Q3) Do you have any favorite sleuth detectives you looked to for inspiration in the role?

A3) Yes actually! I love detective shows, I used to watch them all the time with my mom when I was younger. Two of the detective shows I looked to for inspiration was Monk and Psych. Both shows had the mystery element that’s characteristic with all detective shows, but they also had many moments of comedy and community among the characters. I also was inspired by Elementary, for the more serious parts of HOM.

Q4) Who are the people you look to as inspiration in the world of acting?

A4) I have many actors and actresses I look up to for inspiration. Two of them being Zendaya and Rachel McAdams. I love how they display a wide variety of characters in their works and they do an amazing job at displaying each of these diverse characters.

Q5) In the past you worked on voiced a character in a Resident Evil Game, would you ever like to revisit the franchise in the future, be it game, live-action or animated movie?

A5) Ooh great question! Yes, to all three! I loved voicing my character, it was an amazing experience working for Capcom. It was an honor being a part of the Resident Evil series, especially from playing their games when I was younger. I’ve had a few people message me to tell me they really liked my work in Resident Evil, which was so sweet. Some have actually said they wanted to watch HOM when I posted about it, so shout out to them for being amazing!

Q6) Which genres of movie would you most like to star in next?

A6) I would love to star in a sci-fi movie or a drama movie! I’ve always been a big fan of the sci-fi genre, both in acting and viewing. As much as I like doing comedy, I’ve also always enjoyed doing dramatic scenes.

Q7) One of the key locations in Hidden Orchard Mysteries, is the cupcake shop, which leads to the important question, what is your favorite flavored cupcake?

A7) Oooh I love this question! I would say anything with chocolate and sprinkles. We actually got some cupcakes from the location we filmed at to enjoy after filming. I got this one with a chocolate batter, chocolate filling, and chocolate icing with a piece of chocolate on top. I was in sugar heaven!

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions and I hope people get to enjoy Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B&B Robbery, for themselves.

Thank you so much for asking me your questions! It was an honor!

If you would like to see more of Gabriella Pastore’s work, check out there IMDB

I would like to thank Gabriella Pastore one more time for giving us the time to talk about Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B & B Robbery. Read the review here