Interview with Brenton from Osaka Punch

Posted on the 30 September 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Not long after the re-release of their charasmatic latest album, Brisbane rockers Osaka Punch have returned with another EPs and have began touring to support its release. Tomatrax caught up with Brenton from the band to ask a few questions.

How did the band form?
8 years ago when the world was created, 4 elements came together, earth, wind, fire & a result Osaka Punch was born.

Where did the name Osaka Punch come from?

Earlier this year you re-released your album Voodoo Love Machine, what made you decide to put it out again?

We signed to Bird's Robe Records & as a result decided to re-release the album. It was never released properly in the 1st place so it made sense to give it a proper push & the exposure it deserved.

You've just put out your latest EP, how does the EP compare with your previous album?
DMSS has a more streamlined sound, combining all the heavy funky flavours into each track. Its not as schizophrenic as Voodoo Love Machine & is slightly easier to listen to....but only slightly.

Where did the name Death Monster Super Squad come from?
We had a concept for the EP and artwork where each track was represented by a character. When we started getting the monster character drafts from our artist Jordan Lewerissa the name Death Monster Super Squad was thrown around & it suited the concept perfectly. They are the ultimate team of anti-heroes, ridding the world of all that is mundane.

Your music mixed all sorts of sounds and styles, is it hard to get everything to work together?
Yes! Its a real challenge. It takes us a long time to arrange our songs, but it all comes together in the end. Each member has very differing tastes in music, so when we all add our own spices to the pot, it turns into a deliciously multifaceted musical soup.

You're just about to go on tour, what can fans expect from your shows?
We put a lot of energy into our live shows & make them as entertaining as possible. The musically inclined can expect genre-hopping, malleable time signatures and tempo changes. General punters can expect flailing hair, body fluids & much wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Do you ever listen to your own music?
Only Jack our singer does. Usually after we've just finished a show he likes to listen to our songs in the car on the way home cranked & singing along at the top of his voice.

What music do you listen to?
Heaps! Kora, meshuggah, dredg, faith no more, jaga jazzist, kimbra, hiatus kyote, closure in moscow, tool, karnivool, snarky puppy.

What do you have planned after your upcoming tour?
We have a show in Brisbane with Caligula's Horse on November 4th & more touring to promote Death Monster Super Squad, then we bunker down to write our next album!

Check out Osaka Punch's website to find out more!