Interview with Ashley Davies for THROTTLE

Posted on the 19 February 2015 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Renowned Australian musician Ashley Davies is about to put on his innovative one man drumming show THROTTLE. Tomatrax caught up with Ashley to discuss his upcoming show!

What was the inspiration behind THROTTLE?
Shows like stomp, chunky move productions, theatre, pushing the boundaries and going as hard as you can as close to the edge without falling.
What makes THROTTLE different from any other show?
one man on a drum kit, physical music and innovative ideas with sound, light and eclectic vision
Where did the idea of using the drum as the show’s center piece come about?
I hadn’t seen or heard it done before – but the drums are a part of a whole. its percussive driven physical music with visuals and lights that are choreographed to the music.
Drummers are often hidden in the background, do you think they are an overlooked part of the music?
No – good drummers are always recognised, much in the same way any good musician is recognised.
The show is billed as having major visuals and theatre, how did you pick the visuals to go with the music?
Engines go with the music, so in that respect a lot of footage incorporates ideas based around that theme…cars, motorbikes, rockets etc but throttle is about anything that is pushing it…dancing for instance…you take a look at the lindy hoppers which are featured…it is amazing what they are doing. there are other things as well but i dont want to tell you everything in the show, suffice to say its not all engine related.
The show is based around your Muscle Drum Music albums, how does making an album compare with putting on a show?
Well those albums were real solo projects, i was in my studio alone most of the time putting it together…until i went into another studio to record them. its a different energy playing live, and with other people – in this instance the vision and lighting engineers another energy comes into play, which is thier part. the music in some ways can take on a whole new character, especially with all the other stuff that is going on in the show.
You have previously done shows for Muscle Drum Music, how will THROTTLE differ from these shows?
Those shows were very basic, i was testing out material in a show environment. i knew some things would work and some wouldnt. it was hard doing the shows for that reason but i had to do it, to see what would stick. the other thing about those shows was that i did everything…i mean everything, i turned the lights on and off with switches taped under my stool, i worked the dvd player and the 8 track to cue up the songs. and the show was based on another theme. throttle along with myself has a visual/video choreographer and a lighting designer and new ideas that are a lot more stronger and cohesive.
You are currently down to play two shows in Melbourne, are there any plans to take the show beyond Melbourne?
I would like to tour it for sure.
Do you ever listen to your own music?
Not everything i do, only the stuff im happy with.
What other music do you listen to?
I listen to a lot of jazz, instrumental music but im on a big beatles kick at the moment. i love rock n roll and dirty blues like hound dog taylor and the houserockers.
What do you plan on doing after THROTTLE?
Another new record and show.

Check out the Facebook page to find out more!