Interview with Adam Watts

Posted on the 01 August 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Melbourne singer Alex Watts' debut album, Another Step in the Dark, will be released through Astound Records on Saturday August 20. The record is a song cycle that follows the arc of a relationship through courtship and betrayal to murderous revenge, touching on vintage pop, soul and indie rock along the way. Tomatrax caught up with Alex to ask a few questions.

What inspired you to become a musician?
The Beatles

You've just released your second single, what's it like to have it out?
Really good, it's an abstract notion until other people hear it.

What made you pick 'Cool change' as the single?
It seemed like a good time to release an anti-summer anthem.

You have an album coming out in August, how will the rest of the album compare with your first two singles?
Those first two songs are fairly different stylistically and there's several other flavours in the tracklisting. I'd like to think it's got scope but all sounds like me.

Where did the name Another step in the dark come from?
It's a song title and I really like it as a phrase. There's a certain amount of terror and excitement about moving blindly forward, which is something the characters on the album struggle with. I also like that it's 'another' step in the dark, not just the first one.

You've said that the album is a "song cycle" telling a story, did you write the songs with the story, and album order in mind?
Yes. It's a story about these two people who struggle with religion, fidelity, and forgiveness. I wrote the beginning and ending and then filled in the gaps.

When writing what comes first the words or the music?
Both at the same time.

Do you ever listen to your own music?
Not usually, I have been a bit recently because I'm still excited about this recording. It sounds exactly like music I want to hear, which helps.

What music do you listen to?
Anything by Buble`. In fact that's about it. Oodles of Bubles on repeat.

What do you have planned one the album is out?
I was thinking of dabbling in narcissism, trying my hand at something new, you know? I was busy recording all of last year so I'll play a lot more shows in the next 12 months and I've got some new songs I'm keen to get busy with as well.

Check out Alex Watts' website to find out more!