Interview Win James from Nova and the Experience

Posted on the 27 August 2014 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Nova & The Experience have just released an their new EP Where We Go, and are currently playing shows to support the release. Tomatrax caught up with James, lead singer of the band, to talk about their music.

How did the band form?
We all met at a table tennis championships in 2010. Anna and I (James) are brother and sister and we used to play mixed doubles for NSW state. We met the other guys there.

Where did the name Nova and the Experience come from?
When Anna and I were growing up we had two cats. Our mother foolishly let us name them when we were like, 10 and 8. Their names were Experience and Nova. So we thought it would be good to bring them back.

Does Nova refer to any one member of the band?
Nope. But sometimes in our song writing we like to use ‘Nova’ as a muse. Someone that we sing about.

You’ve just released your second EP, how do you feel it compares with your debut?
I think it still sits in the right feel with the first one. But there is growth in this new one that I am really happy with.

Where did the name Where We Go come from?
It’s actually a line that is in two of the songs on the EP- Jennifer Lawrence and Spidercrabs. So it felt fitting as a title. I guess most of the songs are about journeying and change so it works well as a way of linking that idea together.

You’ve been playing shows around the country in support of your EP, how have they been going?
Great fun! We love getting up onstage whether we are playing for 1000 people or nine chimpanzees on Segues.

Your bio says that you try to give fans a new and original experience each time they see you play, how do you manage to make each show new and original?
We like to give out props and things that we have made or involve the crowd. That becomes harder on the road as we can’t take everything with us. But we almost always make a bunch of newspaper hats and hand them out during The Island so everyone can become sailors with us.

Since your previous EP you’ve moved from Newcastle to Sydney, what promoted this move?
Actually we moved down just before the previous EP. I had already moved down here and slowly the band followed. We are glad we did, as we all love our new life in the Inner West. And it is the time here that inspired most of the new songs.

Richard Kingsmill wrote that you’re starting to write songs with simplicity and depth, is that what you were aiming for?
Not intentionally. But we have become more conscious of not over producing the songs. We like things to sound big. But not over produced. Which can sometimes be a nightmare for the mixing guy.

What is it like having sibling duel vocals?
It’s great. Anna and I know each others voices well and love singing together. Though we might fight a bunch in the car on the way to the gig, once we are onstage it’s all G.

Are there any plans for an album release?
Not any time soon :( that shit is expensive. Plus I think we’d like to try and smash out a few more EP’s first.

Do you ever listen to your own music?
Yeh I do. I think it’s weird when people don’t. How else can u try and objectively consume your own product? It helps me hear what might work and what might not.

What other music do you listen to?
I personally listen to: Coldplay. Passion Pit. Arctic Monkey’s. The Thundamentals. LCD Sound System. 90’s music. Psytrance. And more. Pretty random collection.

What do you plan on doing following your current set of shows?
We have a few things planned, including a show at Ric’s in Brisbane on the Firday night of Big Sound. Then there is a little plan for getting overseas. But we will tell you more about that when we can ;)

The remaining tour dates are:
Fri 29th Aug – Smith’s Alternative Bookshop, Canberra
Sat 30th Aug – Brighton Up Bar, Sydney – 2nd Show

Check out the band’s Facebook page to find out more.