Internship – A Beginning to Expertise

Posted on the 26 April 2016 by Ssankarr

Technical courses galore, but our government even don't have any organized data regarding the number of enrolled students in those courses, how different colleges are performing academically or in terms of providing jobs and training. Recruiters do simply check about the knowledge of the applicant in the field which they have applied for. So if you are thinking of how to gain a plus over others, here comes internships and training.

In simple terms, it can be explained as the process in which an applicant is given a chance to learn and expertise in his or her area of interest, by a firm having at least minimum facilities and ratings. The firm should be capable enough to judge the intern and to enhance his or her experience. so we can define it like -

An "internship" is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, called "interns", to work at a firm for a fixed, limited period of time. Interns are usually undergraduates or students, and most internships last for any length of time between one week to 12 months. They are usually part-time if offered during a university semester and full-time if offered during the summer or winter when they typically last 4-12 weeks.

When one should go for his\her internship?

If you feel that you have explored enough about your topic of interest then you should jump into the quest to apply for different companies and organizations providing internships.

How to select an internship?

In present need of the hour for companies is to get maximum output on a minimum investment, and many even try to churn the milk to have an authority on cream so different firms usually do provide training opportunities for fresher's in the field.

These firms turn out to be breeding ground for beginners and skimming ground for companies.

There are different firms providing internships and we can get all information about their schedule on the internet. Following are some web portals which can help you a lot in getting an internship.

Even companies like Google, Microsoft, amazon, facebook do have yearly summer internship programs, and if you are talented enough to get through these product based companies and their internships, there is the least possibility of you making a cry for a secure future.

Things one should see before choosing a firm for internship -

Whether you are correctly documented-

  • Make a resume, and always have curriculum- vitae of yours ready and updated
  • Have scanned copy of all the original credential proofs of the documents you have mentioned in your resume
  • Prepare your resume with honesty and not try to bluff
  • Think and decide whether the given training you are going to undertake, is of your interest or not
  • If you are going to have it simply for time pass and an experience certificate, it may add a prospect to your resume but you will not be getting its utmost benefit and it may happen that seeing your internship topic you future recruiters may fish you out.

Whether you are eligible?

Sometimes it happens that we may find our taste in internships offered and we simply try to contact the concerned company with a worthless hope of getting selected, as we don't have enough qualification to get selected for the opportunity.

Whether it is paid or unpaid?

Internships are usually of two kinds, paid and unpaid, and it usually happens that paid internships give better work experience as your superiors will squeeze you and try to make full use of what they are paying you, and even you will have some sugars for your work. It has been seen that you have better chances to get selected for internships if you are ready to work for free.

Have a clear idea about for how much time you can work, and how many months you will be available, try to provide the recruiter the longest possible span, in which you can be regularly present.

Companies used to select their interns according to the length of a project they have decided to hand over to interns.

Location of company or an organization will be a factor for selecting an internship, as students generally plan their internships during vacations. If it is somewhere near to your college or your residence it can save the additional cost of living and you may even try to possibly finalize your training if some delay occurs in your undergoing internship.

Internships can be work from home, or it can be industrial even.

What are you going to gain after internships?

  • You are going to get a deeper insight of knowledge and definitely you will be improved in terms of work ethics and more capable of deciding what kind of job to pursue in future.
  • You have increased your contacts and you have better aspects for future.
  • You can judge your offers well.

Facts and study will boost your confidence

What are you going to lose?

You are not going to lose more than some relaxing nights, few movies; else all will add to your value.

So if you are having time, don't waste, go and find an internship for yourself.

This is a guest post by Intern at KPMG

Internship - A Beginning to Expertise