International Women’s Day #01: Campaign From Switzerland Suggests That Men Should Pay More For Tickets

Posted on the 09 March 2016 by Comicspolitics
Yesterday was International Women's Day and because of that today and the next days short articles will be published that contain facts about gender equality or rather gender in-equality. The first part of the series is about a campaign of a women's rights group from Switzerland.

The last days a lot of ticket machines of public transports in Zurich were provided with large stickers. On these you could read: "20% surcharge for men [...] Because of the International Women's Day the ZVV adapts the ticket prices to the wage differential of the sexes." ("20% Preisaufschlag für Männer [...] Zum Weltfrauentag passt der ZVV die Ticketpreise an die Lohnunterschiede der Geschlechter an.")

Since men earn more money than women (for the same job), they should also pay more, is the message. The stickers had the logo of the transport association of Zurich on them but in reality it was a campaign of a women's rights group named "".

In Switzerland the salary of men is one-fith higher than the salary of women.
