International Schools: The Key to Your Child’s Success

By The Shri Ram School
That alone is education which leads to liberation. As more and more parents are catching up with this phrase, the importance of education in the Indian context has shot up in the recent years. All they want is for their child to attend a school which lays the foundation for her to become a global citizen, in the truest sense of the word, a critical thinker, who can form her own thoughts and opinions, and prepare her for what lies beyond the gates of the institution.
The misfortune of our times is that we have a limited number of such schools which offer a holistic curriculum. The competition is fierce to get admission into top international schools in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. Parents line up in front of school gates for hours during the admission season to get the admission form. Understandably so, because a student from such an institution is bound to have access to a wholesome and comprehensive education system, the advantages of which are endless.
International Curriculum: IB schools in Delhi, Gurgaon, Bangalore and other places in India follow the International Baccalaureate curriculum, along with the IGCSE and AS/A Levels. These curriculums are intensive and challenge the students to think outside of the box, thus making critical thinkers of them. These curriculums are accepted worldwide, thus increasing the chances of the students to enter top level universities worldwide.
Exposure to Global Culture: One of the biggest advantages of enrolling your child in an international school is perhaps the amount of global diversity it offers. A lot of these schools have faculty and students from all over the country, thus providing your child with a cosmopolitan perspective.
Extra Curricular Activities: Rote learning and excelling in academics only is not acceptable anymore. To stand out from the crowd, one needs to excel in a wide variety of fields, ranging from sports to extra curricular activities. In an international school you’ll find almost every child pursuing a hobby, sometimes multiple hobbies, outside of academics. From dance to music to art to theater to debating to writing and more, these kids get a chance to develop a multifariously accomplished personality.
A bright start: By enrolling your child in an international school, you are giving her the best gift a parent can give to their children, the gift of education, and top quality education at that. The curriculum in such schools will give a head start to your kid and provide her with a platform and skills to excel in very field of life.