I’m the new intern here at Family Cake Company. My name is Jenna Paszkiewicz, but people often call me JP because my last name is hard to pronounce. I am from Minnesota and study accounting at The College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University (CSBSJU). I will be at FCC for the next seven weeks.
I have been in London since 2 September and have loved it so far. However, I am really excited to get started here at Family Cakes. For the last five years I have worked as a waitress at two different restaurants so the food industry and the hustle and bustle that comes with it has a special place in my heart. I will admit though, my favorite part of working in the food industry is, of course, the food, which also has a special place in my heart. It's only my first day and I have already had the most delicious croissant. It is a good thing I walk everywhere in London or else I would be in trouble.
While I hope to gain a lot of experience while working here I think the best part is all the friends I'm going to make because of all the goodies I will probably bring home. After my first day I got to bring home a little carrot cake and everyone wanted a slice of the action. I think we have all come to a census - I have the best internship. Aside of the treats, I think I do too. The Family Cakes crew here is great and I'm looking forward to taking up space here for the next few weeks.
That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for cheesy jokes, a few bad puns, pictures of what's cooking over here at FCC!
Bye for now!