Intern Jenna

By Bakerquigs @bakerquigs
Hi there!
I’m the new intern here at Family Cake Company. My name is Jenna Paszkiewicz, but people often call me JP because my last name is hard to pronounce. I am from Minnesota and study accounting at The College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University (CSBSJU). I will be at FCC for the next seven weeks. 

I have been in London since 2 September and have loved it so far. However, I am really excited to get started here at Family Cakes. For the last five years I have worked as a waitress at two different restaurants so the food industry and the hustle and bustle that comes with it has a special place in my heart. I will admit though, my favorite part of working in the food industry is, of course, the food, which also has a special place in my heart. It's only my first day and I have already had the most delicious croissant. It is a good thing I walk everywhere in London or else I would be in trouble. 

While I hope to gain a lot of experience while working here I think the best part is all the friends I'm going to make because of all the goodies I will probably bring home. After my first day I got to bring home a little carrot cake and everyone wanted a slice of the action. I think we have all come to a census - I have the best internship.  Aside of the treats, I think I do too. The Family Cakes crew here is great and I'm looking forward to taking up space here for the next few weeks. 

That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for cheesy jokes, a few bad puns, pictures of what's cooking over here at FCC!

Bye for now!