Interior Design Trends 2012

By Trendoffice @trendoffice
Happy New year 2012! Let it be better than 2011 and let there be more love and satisfaction - in everything we do!Usually at this time of the year we are trying to fugure out what expects us, how would the new year look like and for us, designers and design-lovers, what design trends will be most influential?For sure Green design is one of the most important trends - it’s not surprise, this trend is becoming more and more popular, especially with increasing availability of eco-friendly materials and products, because green interior design not only helps us to create  healthier homes, but also to contribute to a sustainable way of living as a whole. And now we have made the next step -  the rising trend for green roofs and kitchen gardens.. It is interesting that the trend for growing one's own food is expanding into the restaurant business and into the urban community where community gardens are becoming increasingly common.It appears that tough economic times have taught us some necessary lessons - we are rearranging the list of our values and  improvements in interior design and architecture are taking place to enable even the smallest places to be used efficiently. Some less used spaces are disappearing thus giving more room for more functional spaces. An important manifestation of the green trend is the use of resource-efficient features like low-flow faucets, low-E windows, powerful insulation and natural choices and eco-consciousness for furnishing for our homes. A natural and rustic feel with a lot of wood, often unfinished, is becoming more and more popular.From decoration point of view, it is a good choice that Pantone have made for a color of the year 2012 - Tangerine Tango. Hopefully,  it will successfully play the role of a visual anti-depressant offering some sunshine for a grim economy and help us overcome the gloomy moods, rejuvenate ourselves and our lives.And, speaking about moods, there is another interesing trend - "A cultural, social and consumer rebooting of all things 90s", according to The Future Laboratory these are "Trends,...designed to reassure, reassess and remind us of things that settle the senses, lull the emotions and refresh the spirits."Obviously, we need that and design is probably one of the best tools to make the change. With the help of vivid chues, huge patterns, coloured lights, sparkle and glitz luxury slowly returns in interior design, but this is a more resrained, conscious luxury without the exuberance and unnecessary abundance.My personal hope and believe is that along with green design ingenious designs and new technologhies will help this change most.
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