Interesting Psak: No Children in the Mikva

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
A rav in Tzfat, Rav Bistrisky, issued a psak telling the community that they should not be bringing children to the mikva.
I have said many times that the hospital is not a place for sick people and the mikva is not a place for children. When I first saw the headline, I assumed it was validation of my opinion about mikvas. But then it turned out that Rabbi Bistrisky has a different reason you should be keeping your children away from the mikva, other than the one most people are probably thinking of.
According to INN, Rabbi Bistrisky said the mikva is a dangerous place for children and there is a dangerous threat of drowning, though he did add the other form of danger as an implied issue he did not want to expand on..
Rabbi Bistrisky pointed to a recent incident in which a child was drowning in the mikva and a nearby adult saved him. With other similar incidents around the country occurring recently, in mikvas pools and even in a bucket, this is a danger that we must pay more attention to.
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