Interesting Psak: Medical Marijuana

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

hattip to VIN

This kol koreh signed by the batei din of Rav Wosner and Rav Nissim Krelitz, along with other rbbonim in the Haredi community. The kol koreh says that this psak must be announced because in recent years doctors have been giving permits for use of medical marijuana even in light cases. They stress that ti is prohibited as a drug no matter the situation or type, even as a one time thing, This is a drug that takes people out of their senses and leads to sin and to worse drugs and issues and eventually destroys the person. The only time medical marijuana can possibly be considered is in a case of minimally safek pikuach nefesh and even then one cannot rely on the doctors but must ask a rav certified in the field. Thos e who sell and market this product to healthy people are violating Torah commandments and are causing people to sin...
So no medical marijuana according to this.
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