Interesting Psak: Double Afikomen

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Rav Shalom Cohen, President of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah (Shas) was asked by rabbonim from communities in which sunset is very late about the timing for eating afikomen. The problem is that with sunset so late, and presumably sunrise very early, kiddush is very close to chatzos, as the dark hours of the night are very short, making it difficult to have the pesach seder properly and eat the afikomen before chatzos.
Rav Cohen responded that they should eat the afikomen twice - once before chatzos in the middle of their seder and then a second time in its place at the end of the meal.
source: Kikar
It means eating even more matza, but it seems like a reasonable solution, relying on opinions in halacha that would make it work. I dont know how one can eat matza for the afikomen in the middle of maggid when one is not allowed to eat, and what would make eating matza in the middle of maggid be considered the afikomen rather than just eating matza or perhaps the mitzva of matza and then cause a problem for making the matza bracha later. Also, I thought you are nto allowed to eat anything after the afikomen. But I guess he is basing everything on opinions, even if we dont normally rely on them, in difficult situations it is possible to.
I do wonder what they have been doing in these communities until now about this situation.
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