Interesting Psak: Correcting Mistakes in the Torah Reading

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Rav Yonatan Raziel of Maale Adumim issued a radical psak that is really straight out of the Shulchan Aruch. It is only radical because most of us do not keep the halacha as it is in the Shulchan Aruch - it seems somehow the custom became to act differently, even against the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch.
Rav Raziel write sin the new edition of Tchumin that when the person in shul reading the Torah makes a mistake, people in the congregation should not correct him - even if he left out letters, and definitely not if he just messed up pronunciation or cantillation.
Rac Raziel explains that the problem with this is that it embarrasses the reader, which is a torah-based prohibition, in order to accomplish a better torah reading which is only rabbinic in nature.
It seems the reason most congregations correct the reader when he reads with a mistake is out of concern for the opinion of the Rambam who says that the congregation will not have fulfilled their obligation of reading the Torah if the reader makes mistakes. Rav Raziel says that even out of concern of the Rambam's opinion, still it is better to not embarrass the reader even at the expense of fulfilling the obligation of Torah reading.
Many opinions, including the Shulchan Aruch, argue on the Rambam and say to not correct the reader in public, so as not to embarrass him.
Another problem Rav Raziel points to is that all this noise of corrections is also inappropriate in shul, but even worse it distracts the congregation from focusing on the meaning of the davening and torah reading.
source: INN
I do know that in some shuls there is a gabbai appointed to quietly correct any mistakes and the other members of the congregation do not.
radical psak, but not really.
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