Interconnection of Language and Society to Culture

By Tlb

Tower of Babel made of books in Buenos Aires (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Foreign Language Schoolsnd

Language is although derivative to people’s interests, but still, this affects the interests of a person towards influencing values. Seeing culture as fundamental in the society, which is learned through language, language is consequently can cause a very delicate effect on culture.

More to the point, when a person travel to another country for the purpose of learning English courses in Miami for instance, or to any other countries that one prefers to destined and acquire his intention to study, may have gradual acceptance of the practices of that country’s culture, and that process is what we called “Enculturation” which means –

Is the process when a person learn the requirements of the culture by which he or she is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary in that culture. As part of this process, the influences which limit, direct, or shape the individual (whether deliberately or not) include parents, other adults, and peers. If successful, enculturation results in competence in the language, values and rituals of the culture.” - (according to wiki).

But enculturation is much attainable when the person stays for a longer period of time in his particular new country, and that is how a language and society interconnect equals to enculturation effect; thus these foreign language schools are part of the interconnection.

Therefore, language is initially in no way to become a unit which has been made-up in isolation, since each country has each language. Going to abroad to become bilingual, the foreign language schools are always been the way to learn more efficiently for the tuning up and to develop culture plus the interest of a person, in which is always hoped to deal with positive notions only.

Eventually, language has evolved progressively due to the continuous improvement of a culture, a culture as the major foundation created by social behaviors and emotions, the language has persistently adapted orderly to accommodate these gesture and ideas of individual’s activity.