Insurrection Through Violence Inevitable If Government Doesn't Redistribute Wealth, Says Chicago School Teacher (Video)

Posted on the 09 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Approved by race-baiter Jesse Jackson, who can be seen patting a Chicago school teacher, Timothy Meegan, who teaches at Roosevelt High School, on the back after a short statement where he says it is the governments job to redistribute wealth and "insurrection through violence is inevitable" if the government does not do so.
Mr. Meegan said this as union protesters gathered outside an ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) anniversary celebratory meeting in Chicago on August 7, 8, and 9.
A couple points here about some of the comments heard in the video where Meegan attacks capitalism and the free market.
First off, he says the free market is an impediment to democracy, seriously disturbing from a school teacher who should know that the United States is a Republic that holds democratic elections, it is not a Democracy.
What right does anyone have to demand wealth redistribution? If you go to work every day and bring home a paycheck at the end of the week, does your neighbor have the right to come to you and demand you give him some of your money?
With teachers like Meegan teaching this to the children of Illinois, it is no wonder Chicago is one of the most violent, crime ridden cities in the country.