Institutionalised by Kevine Walcott- Press Release

By Gpangel @gpangel1
Kevine Walcott’s shocking and frightening new memoir describes her online victimisation at the hands of UK Government operatives, leading to her being institutionalised under the British government’s punitive psychiatric strategy. Fusing a memoir activism, Walcott pulls no punches when exposing the illegal relationship between intelligence services and the NHS, while calling on readers to spread the world and end this new digital form of Governmental oppression.
*Press Review Copies are Available from the Authoramp.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEUnited Kingdom – Kevine Walcott was once a globe-trotting business owner; confident, happy and seemingly untouchable. However, after becoming the victim of YouTube cyber-attacks, she found herself institutionalised at an NHS facility and under the control of the country’s medieval mental health laws.In ‘Institutionalised’, Walcott bares all. Most shocking is that the cyber-attacks were not initiated by teenage trolls or a disgruntled former lover; but agents working for the UK Government. Prepare to learn about a shocking new form of modern oppression, because Walcott has one searing story to tell.Synopsis:This book is a personal account of one woman’s experience with the British government, its police and intelligence services, and mental health services after experiencing cyber attacks on YouTube by government agents. The book exposes government operatives online and within the National Health Services (NHS), and how mental illness is used as a punitive psychiatric tool to cover-up abuses by government.It also provides some insight into the way government agents are allowed to pursue religious interest among other interest online and burry alternative views, and the role mental health services plays in these unfortunate activities. This book is not meant to be spy novel, the characters, scenes and account are real and frightening.“It is vital that the NHS separates and distances itself from Police and Intelligence Services. Right now, they are virtually in bed with each other,” explains Walcott. “Health professionals cannot make correct diagnoses while Government agents are part of the process and abusing their powers for the sake of control.”Continuing, “As a result, I became involved in the judiciary in ways I could never have imagined, and that entire process was also moulded around the Government’s mandate to control. If any case appears to be exposing Government abuse or their illegal activities, the Crown will throw it out. It’s unbelievable, but true.”Walcott also came under fire simply for putting pen to paper.“They threatened to institutionalise me again just for wanting to tell my story. I now live my life treading on egg shells; a far cry from the beacon of confidence and independence that I was before. My advice to everyone is to watch your movements, be careful what you seek out online and – above all – trust nobody.” she adds.‘Institutionalised’ is available now from Amazon in paperback and on Kindle and at in paperback.About the Author:Kevine Walcott is a property professional with a masters degree from University College London. She had found herself at the center of an online hate campaign after accessing videos on ancient Egyptian religion on YouTube. She had discovered that some of her harassers were government agents. She had fought with her harassers who took their campaign offline and onto the streets and into her home. She had documented her experience in this thrilling memoir where the accounts are frightening. She told how her experience left her institutionalised by those using mental health as a disguising veneer to cover up abuses by law enforcement and the intelligence services and the role religion and history places in these unfortunate events.