"Instead of Drinking Drinks, You Eat Drinks"

By Trendoffice @trendoffice

source - Disegno

Yes, that's the idea behind Martí Guixé's latest project called Embedded Drinks:

hexagonal biscuit for vodka IMAGE Inga Knölke/Imagekontainer Martí

Guixé's technical biscuit for whiskey IMAGE Inga Knölke/Imagekontainer
"Embedded drinks" (drinks embedded ) is a concept that consists of a number of edible items made ​​with natural ingredients and quite similar to what might be called a cracker technique . This cookie is formally ready to receive a certain liquid . In this case, wine, whiskey , vodka , gin and mescal. Each liquid coincides with a specific cookie...", explains the designer.
This is a continuation of his  passion for food design, started  in 1997.
He also says that the ingredients in the buiscuits enhance the taste liquors. How do you like the idea? Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook