Installing Prerequisites for Hybrid App Development

Posted on the 24 October 2015 by Balachandar Suresh

Hello friends,

Lets start our journey towards Hybrid App Development. There are few pre-requisites for this process. We need to install few applications. First among them is Node.js .

Lets see how to install Node.js.

First step is to download the Node.js installer from the following URL.

Download the installer according to your operating system and architecture of your system.

Run the installer. Once the installation process is complete, open your command prompt or terminal and type the following.

You will get something like this as output

If you get something like this, then your node.js part is ready.

Next we will move to installing cordova.

The simplest way to install cordova and ionic is by using npm,
Open Terminal or Command Prompt and type the following.

npm install -g cordova

Here the -g states that cordova has to be installed globally.

Once this step is done, we have set up our requirements for the initial phase of hybrid apps. Let start by building a simple app.

In the terminal or cmd type the following

cd yourfolder

Move to the required directory using cd command

then type this

cordova create MyApp

This will create a project with folder name MyApp. Now go to this folder in cmd or terminal.

Now type

cordova platform add browser

This will add the browser as a platform for which we will be developing the app. The other platforms available are android, ios, blackberry, windows, ubuntu, firefox, fireOs, and LG Web OS.

To add the above platform, type cordova platform add <platform name>.

For a complete list of platforms you can add, run cordova platform.

From the command line, run cordova run <platform name>.

Now type

cordova run browser

This will start the app in browser.

If you get something like this then your app is ready!!

Thats it!! For this tutorial. In the next tutorial we will see how to develop some apps in cordova!!!