It’s beginning to be that time of year, when the quaint-sayers and slow-walkers flood the streets of Edinburgh. Yes, it is well and truly tourist season.
At present it is mainly retired people from the continent and French/Italian school parties (the latter only come in swarms of 20 or more and are usually pretty easy to spot); but soon it will be time for couples and families. The enormously over-sized camera lenses furiously snapping away, and standing on Princes Street you will be asked where the castle is or what time the One O’Clock gun goes off (and if you’re really lucky you will see someone hit the deck when it does fire).
I think it’s wonderful. Yes, it’s annoying when you’re in a hurry and you have navigate your way through a mob, and yes, stopping to give someone directions isn’t great if you need to be somewhere, but does 20 seconds of your time really make all that much of a difference? Edinburgh is a beautiful city, and I am glad that other people come to appreciate it, even if it is a little disruptive. I’m also glad because it gives me scope to become a tourist in my own town again, a hometown tourist, some might say…
So this week, in honour of so many new-found friends your are yet to meet, Instagrammers Anonymous is a little touristy (like it’s never been that before…).
There’s the steps into Princes Street Gardens.
There’s the obligatory shot of Edinburgh Castle from Princes Street.
So next time you get asked a really stupid question, smile and politely reply “12:59pm and 60 seconds” and just think of how much money Historic Scotland makes of entrance fees to Edinburgh Castle.