Instagrammers Anonymous: Christmas Cake and All the Wrappings

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

Did you know that the other day was Christmas Day? Yes? Thought as much, I suppose that means we can skip the introduction and just assume we all got presents then ate and drank a little lot more than is probably good for us.

But Christmas time also means that the end of the year is coming up very soon, making this the last Instagrammers Anonymous of the year! Sad times indeed.

You know how sometimes the strangest of things make you smile? Well, that happened to me the other day when I discovered Christmas Jumper wrapping paper. Possibly the most unnecessary thing this Christmas, but amazing none-the-less.Christmas Jumper Wrapping Paper

Sticking with the Christmas theme, here’s something I did the other day. After a couple of months of baking and feeding, I finally decorated the Christmas cake on Christmas Eve. After years of penguins and parcels, this year it was high time the turn of gingerbread men.Christmas Cake

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas, whatever you did, and are now looking forward to the new year. See you in 2013!
