Instagrammers Anonymous: Baking and Long Weekends

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

If you’re feeling that last weekend seems a rather long time ago then you’ll probably be quite glad it’s friday. And Friday means -as we all know – that it’s time for Instagrammers Anonymous.

Last weekend saw a lot of dog walking in the distinctly non-autumnal sun. More of the photos can be viewed over here, but this is what the river looks like at the narrow point where it goes under the old bridge.

On Sunday I – as I’ve mentioned before (it’s been a slow news week) – I attempted to bake with yeast for the first time. I made Swedish cinnamon buns, since it was National Cinnamon Bun Day in Sweden last Thursday (didn’t you know?). They were quite a handy treat to take into the office to cheer up everyone’s Monday morning.

As this publishes I’m actually on a train. I decided to use up some of my remaining annual leave and go visit a friend who’s about to go to Australia for a few months; so I’m having an impromptu long weekend. It also made me realise that my railcard had expired which wasn’t too handy for my thus-invalid tickets, but after a quick bit of online shopping my new one arrived in the post in the nick of time. It was then that I discovered that I have five years worth of them with a photo taken when I was 17. Oops. Thankfully I looked like a 12 year old then, and have only since progressed to 14, so I doubt anyone will notice.

Whatever you’re up to this weekend, enjoy, and I will bring back tales of Yorkshire next week.
