Instagrammers Anomymous: Cashing in on the Jubilee

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

I don’t know if you heard, but the Queen is celebrating her diamond jubilee. I mean, I don’t think there are really that many indicators that something big is happening…

Everywhere you look there is red, white and blue bunting, talk of scones and Pimm’s and even the most loud-mouthed of republicans is struggling to get a word in edgeways. And it appears that every marketing team up and down the country is getting in on the act. From White Stuff ‘Corgi-ly inviting’ one to come visit to Heathrow painting a giant Union Jack by the runway; shops having ‘Jubilee sales’ to Pimm’s and gin bottles being adorned with the flag, the level of merriment is very much on a high.

I’ll be spending the long weekend visiting a friend in Yorkshire, where we will be having a ‘right royal knees-up’ (drinking only gin which has a Union Jack on the bottle, potentially from red, white and blue paper cups), but just in case you haven’t had enough of jubilee branding this week’s Instagrammers Anonymous is some of my favourite jubilee-related wares:

Scone kits and ‘knitted’ mugs from Lakeland

Cake from Bibi’s (one would assume with royal icing)

The polite, understated and cordial Marks and Spencers

The subtle offering from Pink

And special honorary mention goes to my favourite (and most unnecessary) Jubilee branded product – Union Jack Duck tape. Well, you never know when your bunting might come adrift, do you? And we all know that could well ruin an otherwise splendid street party.

Is it wrong that I want some?

Whatever you are doing with the long weekend, I hope it is warm, sunny and fully of excessive merriment (mainly from flag-adorned bottles).
