Instagram Lately: What Color(s) Was Your Week?

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

August 2014

In a fiery blaze of American rock glory, the Floral King left me for the foggy beauty of rolling Irish hills and the remnant charms of the Romanian nightlife. While the wanderlust whirled inside me, I had no choice but to play with leaves and lovelies on my own. As I did, the week transpired as if inspired by color swatches. 

A Revival of Reds

A year ago, I barely thought about flowers. Then my perfectionist neurosis and the Floral King’s perfectionist neurosis’ powers combined in the form of Harvest & Gather, which has me bundling lemon leaves into the wee hours of the night, painting them shades of gold and red to render them anew, and hoarding Italian cans for farm flowers. Life is rosy red, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

How many ways can you slice a pig?
So many delicious ways! Too much time had passed since I found revival in the form of food at Cure, so the Urban Farmer and I went to indulge in the type of meal that demands slow, savoring bites and inspires the gears of food creation to turn- corn custard, lime aioli, a bursting fruit cobbler topped with a perfect whipped cream football… time to start adapting these flavor profiles into my own repertoire! I’ll hold off on butchering for the time being though. Maybe one day. 

Bucolic Blues & Greens for Bright Times

Under layers and long sleeves, I had an itch to embrace summer in the form of spontaneous, wild fun. The result was a minty green swoop across my face and a blonde that shocks me each and every time I see my reflection. These types of toss ups are so inspiring in the way they trickle to fashion and persona. Who is this punky face staring back at me, and does she possibly need to buy some more black and deep violet ensembles? The answer is most likely yes, indeed!

The same gray skies that motivated long sleeves opened to reveal an intense sun and new tan lines. Way below that bright blue sky, we ate, drank and made merry for hours on a farm, where the rainbow chard was just as beautiful as the florals I had arranged. A full Sunday on a farm with a fire pit, crazy creative chefs, sunshine, amazing food, wine and one handsome Urban Farmer equals one happy, minty green, blonde, brunette girl. 

What color(s) was your week?


p.s: You can follow all of my Instagram adventures here.