Insta-Obsessed {My Love for Instagram}

By Erynecarter06

It’s true. I am Insta-Obsessed. I live, breathe, and sleep Instagram. Okay, maybe not sleep. I haven’t gone so far as to post selfies while I’m ‘sleeping’ which we know is just a person laying down with their eyes closed.

I love taking pictures of EVERYTHING (the photographer side of me). I love chronicling my life through pictures.

I’m a visual person. I’d rather share my daily life with you through imagery, then through words. I’m never without my iPhone, which means I never miss a chance to take a photo.

When I get up in the morning, I’m already thinking about what I can take a picture of during my run, or what food will make for a good shot. At work, I’m always on the lookout for a cool photo; whether it’s for my personal account or for the company’s Instagram account. When I’m leaving work, I’m always eyeballing the sky to see if the clouds look funky or if there is a chance to play with the sunlight.

When I’m not planning or thinking about my pictures (let’s be honest… I don’t really plan them. I think about what could be a cool picture, but I don’t actually plan out my day’s worth of IG photos), I’m checking Instagram. I love seeing what my friends and favorite accounts are sharing. Of course, since I work during the day, checking Instagram takes a backseat, but at the end of the day, the app is back open as I catch up on my days worth of photos.

If you haven’t noticed, most of my tweets are actually from my Instagram. I rarely post something that doesn’t have a picture attached, unless of course, I’m retweeting something someone else has posted.

So if you’re Insta-Obsessed like me, come join the fun!

Follow me at erynesworld (I almost always follow back )

But please be forewarned.

There are a lot of pictures of the sky, sunsets, my parents cat and horses. A lot of horses. Maybe not as many of the parents cat since I don’t see him as much. But definitely a lot of horses.

Some of my favorite Instagram accounts!

@2sisters_angie - I’ve posted this account before. Her and her daughter make dresses out whatever is in the house. It’s amazing and the daughter will be a future fashion designer, model or something along those lines.

@jaquieohh – She’s a fitness model, but she posts a lot super silly photos of herself. I’m not one to follow many fitness models, but for some reason, I just really like her.

@lexi_clean_eating – I’ve been following her since she started her weight loss and healthy living journey. Her account is really inspirational, but super honest too. She’s training for her first half-marathon right now!

@glitterguide - Yep. It’s how it sounds. And super girly. And I love it.

@tinyPMSmatch - This account totally makes the visual me super happy. It’s run by a designer who matched every day items to the Pantone colors. It’s pretty awesome.

@smpweddings – I’m getting married. I don’t think I need more explanation than that.

@balletbeautiful – It’s how it sounds and her photos are beautiful. And it makes me wish I could be a ballerina.

@hellolovephoto – a local wedding photographer up in the Massachusetts area – her work is stunning.

@pbfingers  – She’s one of my favorite bloggers. And I love seeing pictures of her dog.

@ellepennerrd – Another favorite blogger. She’s the MyFitnessPal RD and always posts fantastic photos that make me super hungry…