Inspired To Learn

Posted on the 20 June 2016 by Hean Hong Leong @hongster

Feel good today. I got an email from a developer I talked to in the past. He was inspired to start learning PHP application framework. I think developers should constantly learn better ways of developing software.

Dear Hong,

How are you? Are you still in the IT business? Hope you are fine and doing well.

First of all, my apologies for not having contacted you. It is about 2 years 4 months since I contacted you.

I had been busy with my website work. I studied a lot after you asked me about PHP programming. You were one my “fire sparks” to get the ball rolling in my PHP studies.

Now, I have mastered PHP CodeIgniter and have completed a project called “Mathemagician”. This is a fully developed PHP stack in Codeigniter version 2.6

Having done this, let me send you my presentation of the project.

Kindly give me your feedback. Hope you are still using this email ID!

Again my salutations to you for having instilled the “spark” for my deeper learning and understanding of CodeIgniter framework.

Best regards
