Inspired Life: Alice and the Cheshire Cat

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a cat sitting in a tree.

“Which road do I take?,” She asked.

His response was a question: “Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know, ” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.”

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So much wisdom in a children’s book, this excerpt from Alice in Wonderland has been playing through my mind on repeat lately and it’s beginning to make me feel a bit the like Mad Hatter.   How do you make the right decision when you don’t even know if the outcome is one you want?

Normally my answer would be something productive.  I’m a doer, I like to take steps in the right direction.  Action=Outcome.  But right now I’m going round and round with the same questions and no answers and this is one time where I’m advocating procrastination.

Yep, do nothing and get outta Dodge.  I’m officially taking a hiatus from my decision-making obligations and hoping to gain a little perspective by getting some fresh air.  And I think this is maybe some of the best advice I could pass along – If you’re faced with something tough and both paths seem to lead directions you’re unsure of, step off the path and pick some flowers or chat with a cat in a tree.  It won’t necessarily change the outcome, but any moment you have to stop, take a breath and regroup will likely help you see more clearly.  After that you just have to start walking again and hope for the best.

Think about it this week as you face life’s decisions big and small.  Try to listen to your gut but, if you’re not hearing anything, realize that unless it’s life or death you have a little time.

Happy Monday, be back soon.