Inspired By...

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

Mais oui, it's another outfit photo. You're all going to get tired of my mug pretty soon. Between work, getting ready for our yearly ski trip and working on an alternative school placement for jeune homme, I've barely been able to complete a sentence, let alone a post. But I do have a lot of fun stuff in the works for next month including a giveaway, so please don't give up on me yet.
I was inspired yesterday by Tish's post at A Femme d'un Certain Age about blouses and statement necklaces, and decided to try layering up à la Loulou de la Falaise.

Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of Loulou-esque statement necklaces in my collection to really pull off this slightly bohemian Rive Gauche look, so think my effort fell somewhat short.


I did like the blue and white shirt with the black pieces though, and think I deserve some YSL brownie points for that. :-) But jewelry-wise, I felt the effect was more Madame Bijoux than Loulou.

Live and learn.
Jacket: Eileen Fisher, 2010. Similar.
Blouse: J.Crew, here.
Pants: Eileen Fisher, here.
Necklaces: Short - J.Crew, here. Long - J.Crew and Ann Taylor, both at least a year old. similar.
Bracelet: Ann Taylor, few years old, similar.
Boots: Stuart Weitzman, six years old and counting, similar.
Have you been inspired to try any new styles or combinations lately?  How did it work out?
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