Inspiration - Halloween Costume Ideas

By Realgirlrunway @realgirlrunway
It's less than a week until Halloween. Our party this year is on Saturday (November 1st). We have one extra day to get our act together. I definitely feel like our costumes are a huge part of the party. Since we're the hosts, I like to go all out. It's the only time, EVER, that I like dressing as a couple. I'm definitely not big on the matching thing. In fact, one or both of us have been known to change clothes if that accidentally happens. Halloween is the only exception. Last year {msL} was Edgar Allan Poe and I was the Raven. My costume was over the top, complete with wings, feathers and claws. {msL} wore a dark wig, mustache, a waist coat, ascot and carried a book of POEtry (see what I did there?). I want us to look just as great this year. I thought we were set on our idea but we keep going back and forth. Time is ticking people. Here are our options.

The Corpse Bride - Victor and Emily

More costume inspiration after the break.

Dia de los Muertos

Rocky Horror Picture Show - Brad and Janet or Riff Raff and Magenta

Alice in Wonderland - Alice and the Mad Hatter

Stay tuned... I will be posting lots of great photos after our party (next week). What do you think we should do?
photo credits: Warner Brothers Pictures,, 20th Century Fox Pictures, Disney Pictures