Inslee/Hickenlooper Out Of Prez Race - Will Run State Races

Posted on the 23 August 2019 by Jobsanger
 There are now two less candidates running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
John Hickenlooper dropped out a few days ago. Yesterday, he announced he will run against Republican Cory Gardner for the senate seat in Colorado. This gives Democrats a very good chance to pick up that GOP-held seat.
Yesterday, Washington Governor Jay Inslee also announced that he is dropping out. Instead, he will run for a third term as governor.
These two men were not bad candidates, but they were smart enough to know that 2020 is not their time for a presidential race. It's time for a lot more Democratic candidates to make that same decision (like Gillibrand, Delaney, Williamson, Messam, Ryan, Sestak, etc.). There are no more than about 10 candidates who have even an outside chance of winning the nomination, and Democratic voters have made that clear in poll after poll.