Inside Vamp Camp

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

On the last episode of True Blood, we got our first look inside the vamp camp where Governor Burrell takes vampires so the humans can run experiments on them.

Suzuki Ingerslev, True Blood’s production designer, writer Angela Robinson, and Cat Smith (True Blood’s art director) give us an inside look at Vamp Camp! Along with some colorful commentary from stars of the show; Deborah Ann Woll, Anna Camp and Michael McMillian!

You can watch the video below!

Personally, I enjoy finding out the reasoning behind some of their set designs, especially this one. One thing always amazes me about the True Blood sets is how detailed these sets are. This prison or Vamp Camp seems like a real place.

Tell me why I keep hearing the famous line from American Pie; “…one time, at band camp“? But change it to “…one time at Vamp Camp”? LOL

What are your thoughts? Please share ‘em below!