Inside True Blood Blog: Meet The Key Medic

Posted on the 29 February 2012 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

For this weeks entry in the Inside True Blood Blog Gianna Sobol is letting us get to know the department heads of True Blood one by one.  This week it was Marc Garcia who is the Key Medic.

What you’ve been up to this week:

I just read episode 5 of season 5. So I now know what the audience is dying to know but won’t know until next June! BWAH HA HA HA!! We’re well into filming, so it’s very busy. We have stunt rehearsals, rigging and set building as always on our lot and locations. There was a plague (Cold/Flu) that ran through the set after Christmas that has finally subsided. So on that level things are mellow.

Weirdest thing you’ve had to do for True Blood:

I can’t think of anything really weird that I’ve done on set. Aside from treating people for standing by with an alligator, Brahma bull or rattle snakes on set, watching a mock pit bull fight, actors and stunt people (sometimes totally naked) fighting, falling from horses, moving cars, running around on fire, treating 50 naked background actors for mild hypothermia, stomach aches from swallowing too much fake blood, or describing what really happens when a body dies to an actor for research. I’d say for the most part it’s all pretty normal on the True Blood set most of the time. Oh! Last seaso

n I did volunteer to bite/eat “rotted luminous fruit” from Fairy Land that had sterile maggots on it after one of the actors changed their mind about doing it. The idea was scrapped however.

Favorite episode or scene and why:

That would definitely be the first fight between Sookie and Debbie Pelt in season 3. It took 4 or 5 days to film that scene. I was amazed at the level of skill and energy Anna, Brit and their stunt doubles Heidi Pascoe and Stella Angelova had for every take. Those girls are so tough. They could very easily take everybody’s lunch money on this set. Every bump they took made our Director Lesli jump up and down like she was at a pro wrestling match. Those girls were all pretty beat up by completion of that scene. The end result looked amazing on TV.”

What do you guys think about Marc??  Tell us what you found interesting below.

Source: Inside True Blood Blog- “Meet The Department Heads”

Image Credit: HBO, Inc.

Feature Image: HBO, Inc.