Inside Out Style Readers Favourite Blog Posts

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

More Inside Out Style readers nominate their favourite blog posts here. What would you add to this list? Please share in the comments!

Lucie - I would nominate the Fibonacci blog post as my favourite - it was a real aha moment as to why some things 'felt' wrong and I had to get changed! Love the Chanel quote on proportions.

If you're interested in Fibonacci numbers and maths this is a fascinating and short TED talk
Bernadette - I think the two blogs about contrast levels are used more than anything else when anyone seems to feel that their clothing choices are off and they can't figure out why.

3 Easy Steps on finding your ideal contrast levels

9 Real Life Examples of dressing to your contrast

Jessie - 3 of my favourite blogs that I keep going back to again and again are