Inside Fes El Bali

By Ninstravelog @ninstravelog

Traveling with a guided tour may not always be convenient, as time wise you are restricted and you are isolated. Or at least that was what I feeling before I visited Morocco. But I can not complain, as this way we saw a lot in a limited time. To visit Fès, one needs to be a traveler to feel the real atmosphere; and here I am, a tourist on a one day visit to the Medina of Fes, which is not enough.
Anyway, here we are, with our tour guide who took us to many interesting places in Fes, and ended up being a bit confused and overwhelmed; he introduced us to so many names and places. Yes, I took a lot of pictures and now, here I am stuck with the pictures, and don’t really know where the location of the pictures are.   Normally, I’ve got my add-on GPS on my camera, but during this holiday, it’s just not working!

Thus the pictures here are supposed to tell me what I’ve seen in the Fes’ Medina as we walk through it.  The people, the stuff they make and sell; the colourful Medina Fes al Bali and all the things that I can find and interested me when we did the ‘city walk’ in and out of the medina.   Can anybody tell me where these were taken in the Medina?

Pictures maybe not so good, as almost everything happens in a view seconds before people get in the way and block the view, things move very quickly and maybe the ambiance was a bit too dark.

A cafe shop somewhere inside the Medina. It has a very pretty rooftop balcony with a very nice view overlooking the rest of the Medina.

Minaret (the tower of a mosque) in Morocco is always in green colour and square shape, as taken from that cafe shop.

Slide show below showing more pictures inside Fes:

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