Inside Camille Styles’ Luscious Texan Home

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino

inside camille styles’ luscious texan home

You know that feeling you get when your knees get weak, your heart leaps out of your chest and you start to feel all woozy inside? Some call it love; I call it dropping into a gorgeous home! One of my all-time favorite bloggers and professional stylists, Camille Styles (the name is coincidental!), recently shared her stunning digs and I couldn’t jump fast enough to the “Pin It” button. While we do have our own tastes when it comes to design, I have a truck load of admiration for Camille’s ultimate perfection.

Making the move to Austin in 2006, Camille founded her own events company after leaving the catering business. After discovering blogging as a meaningful way to connect with clients and share her inspirations, the Camille Styles brand quickly grew to accommodate a team of contributors and interns which collaborate and help manage the growing demands of daily business. Today, the mommy-to-be, Camille hasn’t let pregnancy slow her down one bit. The party and entertaining specialist shows off her crisp and clean look throughout her home and workspace, and leaves me simply breathless.

inside camille styles’ luscious texan home

inside camille styles’ luscious texan home

See more of Camille’s beautiful abode here:

Apartment Therapy

Design Sponge

Glitter Guide

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