Insects to Watch Out for When Gardening

By Marialiberati

There are many bugs to look out for in your garden. Some bugs harm you and others harm your plants, limiting your harvest or killing the plant. As you garden, it’s important to look for these insects to keep yourself and your yard safe.


Chiggers are the larvae form of harvest mites. In this larvae form (which is nigh to impossible to see because they are so small), they bite animals so they can eat. They dig into your skin and inject a substance that makes your cells edible for them. Sometimes you cannot tell that you have chiggers on you until several hours after they have landed on you and started eating away at your skin cells.

Their bites are extremely unpleasant and itchy and can lead to infections, so look out for potential chigger habitats. Chiggers like staying in shaded areas closer to the ground—they are less likely to hang out in mowed lawns because there isn’t as much space to hide. To avoid chigger exposure, wear long sleeves and long pants tucked into your socks as you garden.

If you notice that you have chigger bites developing on your skin, take a shower to wash away the minute chiggers and wash any clothes that may have been exposed in hot water.

Paper Wasp

There is a reason why so many people despise paper wasps. Not only do they look frightening, but their sting can pack a powerful punch. However, paper wasps can be relatively harmless and even beneficial for your garden if you know how to avoid them and you don’t threaten them or their nest.

Paper wasps create paper like nests in crevices they find around your yard. Paper wasps are common by porches and eaves. They can also be common on playgrounds, in bushes, or in trees. To keep paper wasps from building their nest close to where you are gardening, patching up empty crevices is essential. As you garden, be careful not to disturb their nest. Examine your plants before you harvest or trim so you can avoid accidentally touching a wasp or disturbing their nest.

Paper wasps can also be attracted to strong smells and food, so avoid having uncovered food outside or wearing heavy amounts of perfume. Sometimes it is necessary to remove wasp nests from your yard. When you do so, make sure to wear protective clothing and take other precautionary measures to protect you and your family.


Aphids are small insects that you will most likely find on the underside of leaves or on new growth in your garden. Aphids will not harm you, but they can cause serious damage to your garden. If left to their own devices, they eat away at your plants’ juices, stunting the plants’ growth.

There are many ways to get rid of aphids. There are some chemical pesticides that you can use, but there are plenty of natural ways to get rid of aphids naturally.

Gardening is a joy. It can be wonderfully cathartic and therapeutic to be out gardening. Running into one of these pests can ruin that joy a little. But never fear—there is a way to get the peace of your garden back and continue enjoying your garden.

Read this next: How to Care for Your Fall Plants in the Final Weeks of Summer

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