Innu Renew Resistance to Proposed Plan Nord and Hydro-Quebec Expansion

Posted on the 01 April 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Climate Connections

Elyse Vollant, an Innu activist and grandmother, demonstrates against Hydro-Quebec during a major energy conference in Burlington, Vermont in 2012. Photo Credit: Will Bennington

[Note: The following is a press release from Innu resisting Hydro-Quebec’s plans to construct transmission lines through their territory.  Much of the expansion of Hydro-Power in Innu territory is part of the North Plan/Plan Nord, and a share of the energy is destined for markets in New England, where several governor’s are selling it as “green” energy.

From Alexis: The Band council has decided that it is not going to fight HQ, so the community is back in action. HQ wants to hold a third referendum — because it doesn’t take NO for an answer. Please keep your ears tuned for future developments!

-The GJEP (Global Justice Ecology Project) Team]

The Innu of Uashat mak Mani- utenam will leave from the First Nations camp on Route 138, and march to Montagnaise Mall in remembrance of the March, 2012 march from ManiUtenam to Montreal, to denounce the abuses of the Government of Québec concerning the rights of the Innu. The march is scheduled to begin on Tuesday at 1pm.

“We march from war to peace. We carry the voice of the people of First Nations. We fight for the recognition of our rights, for the future of generations to come , for the brith of a just and equitable society . We walk to build a path for our children so they will have a better future, and so our long struggle for our land rights will be finally be won. “

We cry loudly against all destruction and violation of NITASSINAN. After two referendums, the Innu have answered NO to the Hydro –Québec, which continues to build the tranmission lines without our consent on the use of NITASSINAN .

We say NO TO THE NORTH PLAN . Quebec can not indefinitely ignore us. We demand the RESPECT OUR RIGHTS and JUSTICE in the name of our human rights and the rights of Indigenous People.