Hey everyone, today I will be talking about my recent collaboration with this interesting store called InkDaze. They sell temporary tattoos that look unrealistically real and are super easy to apply.

I ended up selecting the pre-designed ones that were available in their store, but you guys can create your own custom designs as well. All you have to do is upload your very own designs and your custom tattoo will be shipped to you.

Getting real tattoos is painful, but this seems like a nice alternative for those who can't take the pain just like me.

Also, the fact that this isn't permanent gives you time to actually try some designs and see how they look prior to getting the original tattoo if you are intending to.
The application is also really easy and all you have to do is place the tattoo face down on the skin and soak it up with damp towel. In just a matter of seconds the print transfers on your skin.
These tattoos are cheap as well. Just $8 each in small size and the price increases as you size up. After trying myself, I'd say that I personally recommend these to everyone. They are definitely worth trying. Buy your tattoos at InkDaze!!!