Infolinks Review 2022 : How To Make Money With Infolinks

Posted on the 08 October 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

We cannot think of our life without internet and now that blogs and other websites are becoming popular by the day, the owners are trying to monetize it for their benefit.

The Internet business is huge and is highly competitive too therefore, it becomes very important that you select the right platform for monetizing your websites else you will get more complaints rather than earnings.

Monetizing your website is crucial for its' success. Without implementing ads, it can be very difficult to make substantial income. One of the essential monetization tools for publishers are ad platforms like Infolinks and Adsense.

When it comes to advertisements, it is best to work with at least two providers at the same time and we learned that combining Infolinks and Adsense increased total income dramatically and was a good audience experience.

Infolinks is one such name which will help you in monetizing your websites to the optimum level. They help in improving engagement and enhance the visibility of the websites.

What exactly Infolinks is?

It is an advertising platform which has made its presence felt on global platform. If you want to enhance your own campaigning, then also you can seek their help and they will readily oblige.

They have this feature which is known as Self-Serve Marketplace which will allow you to customize the campaigning of your website very easily.

If you are an Online Publisher, then you will be able to earn money online through Infolinks. So, this online platform of advertising will help you to earn money based on the content of your site.

As a publisher also you will be highly benefited by the service that Infolinks offers because it will provide you with the opportunity to drive new revenue prospects. In - text advertising is one of the solutions provided by Infolinks.

This is beneficial because in - text advertising will not eat up extra - space as the ads are directly inserted in the text.

This way the publishers are able to utilize the full space as per your preference. Infolinks has made it possible for the novice to make money online with élan.

Check this Video:

How Infolinks works on your site

If you are not sure about how Infolinks works, then read on and you will get all the details about this online advertising platform. If you are using Infolinks to monetize your website, then what you have to do is insert links in some of the texts of your content.

Now when any user will visit your site and they will move around the cursor of the mouse over these special texts, then the link will enlarge and an informational window will pop up with the advertisement, making an adview.

So, how do you make money out of it? Simple, you have to generate most number of adviews in order to earn more and more through your sites.

Earning through online advertising platform

Varieties of ad products provided by Infolinks

Infolinks offers a variety of innovative ad unit products. They are a must-have monetization tool for every blogger and publisher.

  • InFold: This clever ad unit takes advantage of the power of search and display, delivering ads on a wider scale of traffic. InFold appears in a unique location right above the fold.
  • InFrame: Provides a solution for unused real estate on wide screens. These attractive display banners present relevant and perfectly timed ads, that appear alongside your content.
  • InArticle: Highly viewable ad which opens once a user engages with the page content. Serves various ad formats including native in order to boost unit engagement and revenue
  • InText: Works by scanning a page's content in real-time to deliver relevant ads. The ads are neatly presented within a page's text, delivering effective results
  • InTag: Displays the most valuable keywords directly related to the content of a page in highly customizable ad units. The ads are displayed only when a user hovers over the highlighted keyword.

About AdShop

AdShop is Infolinks' self-serve ad platform. It is a great option for those who want to have complete control of the ads displayed on their website. One of the advantages of AdShop is various customization options. Here, you can change the look and feel of the ads to match the design and aesthetics of your website.

A CPC payment method is an ad-on for advertisers looking to grow their business. Essentially, you have to pay for the users who click on your ads. Additionally, unlike other platforms, Infolinks only requires a $25 payment to start a campaign.

Advertisers tend to worry about whether or not their money is actually being spent on introducing their services to a real audience. AdShop ensures that there is no fraud and all clicks are real. It instills confidence that you are getting the most out of your investment


How much does it cost to join Infolinks? Its free!

Infolinks offers several easy ways for receiving payments. Publishers can use PayPal, Bank Wire, eCheck, ACH (for payment in US bank accounts), or Payoneer for transferring the amount you earn through Infolinks. The processing time is less than 48 hours and the minimum payout threshold is $50.

Infolinks Refer & Earn Program

In addition to earning money through ads displayed on your website, you can also earn money by referring Infolinks to friends and other publishers. Infolinks is compatible with Google AdSense and is a great addition for generating an extra source of revenue. Google AdSense will not ban you for using Infolinks in addition.

Advantages of using Infolinks over others

There may be various other online advertising platforms, but no one helps you gain so much revenue as does. There are various advantages that you can enjoy when you are using Infolinks as an online platform and here is a list of that -

Relevancy is the key - They don't want you to compromise you with the text by coming up with any random anchor text. Instead they always ensure that the ads that are inserted in the texts that are relevant. Relevant and contextual ads are behind the success of Infolinks.

Easy installation helps a lot - The approval process and the sign up process is quite easy and you will be able to start working on it pretty quickly. Once you, get your approval all you have to do is follow the procedure and copy the code that is provided and paste in at the footer of the blog.

You don't have to link the ads instead you just have to install the code and Infolinks will take care of everything else. They place the ads on their own and you won't have to worry about anything else.

Keeps up with the pace - The users of are part of the happy users who have been earning daily without compromising on the speed. It doesn't slow you down due to the links that have been placed in their by Infolinks.

Even the users, who are paranoid if their speed is reduced a bit, also couldn't complain about this issue with Infolinks because it makes sure that the speed is not hampered.

User friendly user interface - You can do whatever you want to start from customizing the number of ads that will be published on each page to the genre of advertisement that will be displayed on their site.

If you don't like the color, then you will be able to change that too. In case you like the links to have dotted lines instead of double lines, then also you can make that possible. No other online advertising platform will offer you so much of benefits when it comes to customization.

Money that you will generate through links completely depends on how many page views you have.

Therefore, if you have huge traffic flocking your site on a regular basis, then it will help you in earning more, and in case your site doesn't boast of much traffic, then you might not receive that much of revenue at the end of the month.

Another important observation is that if your visitors are mainly from the UK or the USA, then you will be able to generate more profit. But this doesn't mean that you will not earn anything if you get visitors from other countries.

It is just that you the earning quite low in comparison to these two countries.

The main reason behind this is that the product that is advertised by Infolinks, considers the people of these two countries as their target audience.

Wrap Up

If you have a good number of traffic visiting your site, then Infolinks is one such online advertising platform that will help you generate enough money for you at the end of each month.

Infolinks has a very informative blog where you can keep up to date on the latest tips and tricks on how to use the platform. It also provides insights into the latest trends in the digital marketing world and how you can improve your site.

There is no money involved in registering so you can get started whenever you want provided you have a blog of yours or a website of your own. So start earning more and more right away!