INFOGRAPHIC: Decoding Your Dog’s Body Language

By Hausofpaws @hausofpaws

In the canine world fear, happiness and anxiety can be expressed in various forms. From a wagging tail to a snarling growl, dogs are truly expressive animals that are constantly communicating with us.

Whether you are an experienced owner or a soon-to-be expecting pet parent, communicating with your dog is one of the most important key aspects of keeping your furry friend happy and healthy. By learning what to watch for you can determine some of the most common signals your dog is trying to give you. In the following infographic you will learn some of the basics on how to decode your dog's body language with tips on maintaining a happy pooch.

Can you tell when your four-legged friend is bored, excited, scared or when he or she's is happy? If you ever wondered the following infographic can help provide some answers.

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